
The SIGN-LEX data visualization platform was conceived of and designed by the ASL-LEX team, and was initially created as a means of sharing the ASL-LEX lexical database. The Boston University SAIL team at the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering developed the software that currently underpins the SIGN-LEX data visualizations.

Each of the affiliated lexicons was developed by a different team. Find out more information about these projects and their contributors here.

Naomi Caselli

Wheelock College of Education and Human Development

Boston University

Visit Naomi's Website

Zed Sevcikova Sehyr

School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

San Diego State University

Visit Zed's Website

Karen Emmorey

School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

San Diego State University

Visit Karen's Website

Xinyun CAO

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Shreya PAndit

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Megan Fantes

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Ariel Cohen-Goldberg

Department of Psychology

Tufts University

Visit Ariel's Website

FanonX Rogers

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Jeff Simeon

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Lauren Berger

Wheelock College of Education and Human Development

Boston University

Visit Lauren's Website

Motun Bolumole

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

San Tran

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Frederick Jansen

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website

Cindy O'Grady Farnady

School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

San Diego State University

Visit Cindy's Website

Ben Tanen

Computer Science

Tufts University

Visit Ben's Website

Andrei LApets

Software Application and Innovation Lab

Boston University

Visit the SAIL website


The original work on ASL-LEX was supported by the National Institutes of Health DC010997 to Dr. Karen Emmorey and San Diego State University, a Tufts University Faculty Research Award to Dr. Ariel Cohen-Goldberg, and a Tufts University Graduate Research Award to Dr. Naomi Caselli. Continuing work on SIGN-LEX and ASL-LEX is supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences.

  • NSF Award BCS-1918556 to Dr. Zed Sevcikova Sehyr and Dr. Karen Emmorey

  • NSF Awards BCS-1625954 to Dr. Karen Emmorey

  • NSF Awards BCS-1625793 and BCS-1918252 to Dr. Naomi Caselli

  • NSF Awards BCS-1625761 and BCS-1918261 to Dr. Ariel Cohen-Goldberg